Lambert Classical Latin

pestilentia magna anno duo milia viginti

Latin, formation and usage

tanta per totum orbem pestilentia fuit ut paene usque ad

So great was the plague throughout the whole globe, that [it] was nearly all about

cogito ergo sum

I think, therefore I am

Three short Latin offerings…

My first submission is a translated limerick, a five-line poem with a rhyme and a smile included

A smiling maiden astride a tiger, borne on a stroll, on return the tiger is smiling

virgo subridebat

vecta tigre

externa profecta

interna revecta

et tigris subridebat


On offer, is the long-standing Latin student’s lament, always found in English

Latin is a dead language, first it killed the Romans now it kills me

The poem’s second stanza continues the dread

who wrote it, all are dead

who learned it, all are dead

My rendering is in the best tradition of school-yard doggerel

discipuli Latinorum lamentationum

lingua Latina est ominino mortua

primo, ea Romanos necavit

nunc, me necat

qui ea locuti sunt, omnes mortui sunt

qui eam scripserunt, omnes mortui

qui eam didicerunt, omnes mortui

examines fortunate, id meruerunt

My final token is decades old from foreign travel. Since many Christian orders of monks and nuns have a tradition of making own wines, beers, and liquors…

Enjoy, on drinking and being saintly…!

qui bibit, dormit

qui dormit, non peccat


qui bibit sanctus est

cogito ergo sum

I think, therefore I am

Three short Latin offerings…

My first submission is a translated limerick, a five-line poem with a rhyme and a smile included

A smiling maiden astride a tiger, borne on a stroll, on return the tiger is smiling

virgo subridebat

vecta tigre

externa profecta

interna revecta

et tigris subridebat

On offer, is the long-standing Latin student’s lament, always found in English

Latin is a dead language, first it killed the Romans now it kills me

The poem’s second stanza continues the dread

who wrote it, all are dead

who learned it, all are dead

My rendering is in the best tradition of school-yard doggerel

discipuli Latinorum lamentationum

lingua Latina est ominino mortua

primo, ea Romanos necavit

nunc, me necat

qui ea locuti sunt, omnes mortui sunt

qui eam scripserunt, omnes mortui

qui eam didicerunt, omnes mortui

examines fortunate, id meruerunt

My final token is decades old from foreign travel. Since many Christian orders of monks and nuns have a tradition of making own wines, beers, and liquors…

Enjoy, on drinking and being saintly…!

qui bibit, dormit

qui dormit, non peccat

qui non peccat, sanctus est


qui bibit sanctus est